Would Crossinology Brain Integration Make a Difference for my Child?

A question that I get a lot deals with who would benefit from Brain Integration. I’ve talked about several diagnoses that can be addressed with Brain Integration, but a diagnosis is basically a grouping of several symptoms or characteristics – if you have enough of these you qualify for an official DSM-approved label. Looking past the labels, what specifically does BIT address and who can it benefit? Here’s a short list of some of the things that BIT could help you to overcome:

·        Accident prone

·        Allergies (feel tired or hyper-active after eating)

·        Clumsy

·        Leave projects incomplete

·        Letter/number reversal

·        Lies

·        Mood swings

·        Over or under active

·        Poor eye hand co-ordination

·        Poor handwriting

·        Poor organizational skills

·        Poor reading comprehension

·        Poor reading skills

·        Poor balance

·        Poor spelling

·        Poor at sports or rhythmic activities

·        Rests head on arm while working

·        Short attention span

·        Slow in completing work

·        Stops in the middle of a game

·        Test or performance anxiety

·        Timid/shy

·        Mathematics

·        Speech Difficulties

·        TMJ/Orthodontics

·        Constipated

·        Daydreams excessively

·        Difficulty budgeting time

·        Difficulty concentrating

·        Difficulty focusing eyes

·        Difficulty following directions

·        Difficulty giving directions

·        Difficulty telling time

·        Dizziness/vertigo/balance problems

·        Eye strain/rubs eyes a lot

·        Fear of speaking in front of a group

·        Has trouble remembering directions

·        Has trouble remembering months of the year

·        Has trouble remembering names

·        Has trouble remembering right/left

·        Has trouble remembering times table

·        Has trouble differentiating colors

·        Headaches

·        Impatient/restless

·        Impulsive

·        Inappropriate drowsiness

·        Lacks confidence

Still not sure? Drop me a line and we can chat more about your specific questions. No diagnosis required.