This video describes several issues in the brain which manifest as learning disabilities.
the root of the problem
The Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique addresses malfunctioning and non-functioning pathways in the brain. These errant pathways block the flow of information in the brain, which often presents as issues such as Dyslexia, learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, behavioral, cognitive, communication, coordination, or emotional difficulties.
what causes brain malfunction?
Early in life, we sometimes experience physically or emotionally traumatic events. During these events, our body instinctively shifts into "fight or flight" mode, refocusing our body's resources into the body and shuts down the corpus callosum (which connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain.) Depending on the severity of the traumatic event and the individual, the corpus callosum might fail to re-engage properly after the event has passed.
how does the Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique work?
The Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique can correct brain malfunction in cases where there is no organic brain damage in as little as eight to twelve hours - that's it! No treatment plans, follow-up sessions, or adjustments. Best of all, your integration is permanent. Unless you have another significant trauma, your brain will stay integrated for the rest of your life!
Using Kinesiology, acupressure, and other non-invasive and drug free methods, your BIT Practictioner addresses the following areas:
deep-level switching and the corpus callosum
DLS occurs when your brain routes information incorrectly, placed into three categories:
right/left - In this type of DLS, information that is intended to go to the right hemisphere is initially directed to the left hemisphere, and vise-versa. This processing issue typically presents itself as taking extra time and loss of information. These individuals usually have difficulty keeping up in school.
front/back - Individuals who are front/back switched have a hard time letting go of the past. They might hold grudges or just not be able to resolve past issues.
top/bottom - Those of us who have this type of DLS have difficulty pulling out of an emotional response and executing a rational response.
After all areas of deep level switching has been corrected, the BIT practitioner reactivates the corpus callosum so that the right and left hemispheres of the brain can communicate properly.
the limbic system
The next part of the brain that the Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique addresses is the limbic system, which is the emotional filter to the brain. It can be associated with controlling drive, motivation, memory and assigning pleasure or pain to experiences. The limbic system's influence on other functions in the brain is why our emotions can affect us physically such as ulcers, tightening of muscles (neck, shoulders, jaw, etc.), and why some people might have negative reactions to certain smells, tastes, sounds, or something that they see. Examples range from the soldier experiencing traumatic flashbacks to traumatic events to a student cringing at the sight of a math problem.
eye muscles
Malfunctioning muscles in the eye can affect your eye-hand coordination, memory, and reading ability. If all muscles are working properly, your eyes should be able to move smoothly to each position, track side-to-side, change focal point, and rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise. You can check this at home by having someone hold an object at arm's length and attempt to follow it in the above mentioned patterns. If your eyes appear to be jumpy, out of sync, or you feel stress on the muscles, you might benefit from doing BIT.
What causes muscles to be uncoordinated? Like deep level switching, emotional or physical trauma can reduce the effectiveness of one or more muscles. Imagine that opposing muscles are having a tug-of-war and one of the muscles is weaker than the other. The eye is always going to move one direction better than the opposite direction.
Additionally, the torque, or tension, of each muscle might be different because of a misaligned sphenoid bone. This bone joins the cranium and the face, but isn't directly attached to the hard matter, allowing it to be free floating. When this bone is misplaced, it pulls harder on some eyes muscles than others.
auditory processing
The Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique addresses issues in the brain related to auditory processing by focusing on four main areas of the brain:
Anterior Temporal Lobes and Hippocampal Complexes - The primary function of these areas is to integrate information received from different areas of the brain, especially for memory. There are components to these areas on both the right and left sides of the brain. As an example, try to recall a memorable event from your past - you might remember certain things that different parts of your brain recorded such as what you saw, heard, smelled, and how you felt at that time. These areas are responsible for bringing all of these individual portions together to make one complete memory.
Wernicke's Area - This area is integral in coordinating sound, sight, and thought in order to create our train of thought and speech. When we see a word or hear speech, WA translates this information into thoughts that our brain can process and comprehend. Language development and usage can be impaired if this area is not working properly.
Broca's Area - Information is transferred from the Wernicke's Area to the Broca's Area, which converts it into motor movements of muscles involved in creating speech. If you were to pay attention to what muscles were being used when you speak, you would notice that the BA does a very complex job of coordinating how they all work together, from your tongue your lungs.
Auditory Interpretative Point - This point plays a key role in being able to interpret what has been heard, or what the individual is saying.
vestibular system
The vestibular system consists of semicircular canals within the inner ear that provides sensory information to our brains about motion, equilibrium, and spatial orientation. It's very similar to the accelerometer component in your smartphone. It's what tells your screen to flip when the orientation of the screen is changed, can track how fast you're moving, and can even tell when it's falling. A malfunctioning vestibular system can be identified by poor balance, dizziness, or easily becoming lost. The Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique can improve your ability to function in these areas.
Look at this adorable baby and notice how he is moving his right arm with his left leg. This is an example of cross-lateral movement. Crawling is vitally important to the development of our brains because it teaches our left and right brain hemispheres to work in concert to complete a task. Sometimes this skill is never learned, which keeps the right and left sides of the brain from communicating effectively. People who never mastered this can usually be identified by how they walk - their hands are usually in their pockets or stay at their sides. Less commonly, they move their arms and legs homolaterally, or the right arm and leg together. The Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique can correct this and improve communication between the two sides of the brain.
To read more about what techniques are used in Crossinology, click here.